Dragii mei prieteni, de curand am descoperit magia serialelor minunate ce se gasesc peste tot pe internet!Daca inainte urmaream doar Gossip Girl, acum am descoperit Pretty Little Liars, Switched at Birth, The Secret Circle, The Lying Game si inca vreo cateva, dar care inca nu m-au captivat atat de tare.
Gandindu-ma la aceste seriale, mi-a venit o idee:ce-ar fi ca, odata ce apare inca un nou episod dintr-un serial care va(ne) place tuturor, sa discutam pe baza lui?
Ce spuneti de acest gand poznas al meu?
Asa ca, daca imi permiteti, va rog sa comentati mai jos ce seriale urmariti si vom vedea cum ne organizamCe ziceti?Vreti?
Astept cu drag comentariile voastre!
Buna, dragilor!Revin la voi cu o invitatie:daca vreti sa pastram legatura va invit sa va abonati la bogul meu, pentru a primi cele mai noi postari:)Puteti face acest lucru prin e-mail sau RSS, in josul paginii, dar si in drapta sus, unde va puteti inscrie ca cititori pe acest blog si sa comentati postarile mele..Daca aveti, de asemenea, placerea de a distribui blogul pe orice retea de socializare, v-as fi recunoscatoare!
De acum ma gasiti si pe facebook chiar
Si nu uitati:viata este frumoasa daca voi vreti acest lucru!
Proaspat casatorit isi trece numarul sotiei in telefon:viata mea
Dupa 2 ani:sotia
Dupa 5 ani:acasa
Dupa 10 ani:hitler
Dupa aniversarea casatoriei de argint:numar gresit
20 de secunde din mintea unei femei:
"Nu-mi plac pantofii ăştia!...
Trebuie să merg la coafor... De ce nu mă sună idiotul ăla?... Unde-mi
sunt cheile? Ia uite la fufa asta!... Vai... ce bărbat drăguţ,...Am
uitat ce aveam de făcut,... Ce drăguţ e brunetul ăsta!..."
Şi voi ziceţi că femeile nu gândesc?!
Aici puteti citi un interviu cu Tatiana Ambrose, ce detine unul dintre cele mai cunoscute canale de pe YouTube:
Eu, personal, o iubesc si ii ador video-urile, care sunt foarte interesante si folositoare!
O puteti gasi aici:
Here it is the interview I promissed with Tatiana Ambrose, the owner of one of the most popular Youtube channel:
I, personally, love her and her videos that are so interesting and useful!
You canbd find her right here:
M:How did you start the channel?
A:I started the channel in 2008 but didn't start making videos until
2009 because I made the channel to view restricted content where you
had to confirm you were 18+ years old. Then in my college dorm, freshman
year, I was looking for curly hairstyles I could do but couldn't find
any that I liked so I thought 'heck I'm going to make a video about
quick curly hair-do's for girls to look up that need it.' From there I
just started making videos for the fun of it. I like making videos that
are creative, inspirational, fun and easy to understand.
M:.Did you have a model who inspired you?
A:I did not have anyone on YouTube that inspired me to make videos, I
just wanted to share my ideas through YouTube. When I was a freshman I
had a lot of free time on my hands and spent it making videos.
M:What did you expect when you started your YouTube channel?
A:I didn't know what to expect when I started my channel because I
did not have a catchy username, so I just went with the flow. I remember
how excited I was when I reached 17 subscribers on my channel. I can't
tell you how happy I was knowing that people enjoyed my videos so much
that they subscribed!:) Having almost 4,000 subscribers 3 years later is
crazy to think about yet it has happened and I am thankful for
everyone's continuous support.
M:How did you become so well known on the internet?
A:I think being consistent on Youtube has paid off and made me more
well known. I have been making videos for 3 years and not once did I
quit. Uploading one or more videos in a week is going to keep your
subscribers coming back to watch the new video as well as gain some new
subscribers. I have 132 videos right now, when a new person looks at my
channel, just by the amount of videos I have uploaded, they will know
that I am serious about what I do and I won't randomly just stop
uploading. I am not a quitter and I will continue making YouTube videos
and see where it takes me:)
M:How do you feel now, when you are a very known and successful person on the internet?
A:I feel thankful that people like my videos enough to come back to
my channel. The real pay off for me, though, is everyone's feedback. I
love when I have inspired someone or made them happy because they have
understood how to make a certain craft. For me, it is not about how I
feel but how my subscribers feel, I put them first since they are my
motivation. If my subscribers are happy then I have done my job and feel
The weather is so hot that we should learn something from this cute kitty!
La ora 4 dimineata, un barbat beat mort suna la interfonul unui bloc. Raspunde o femeie:
- Da? Cine e?
- Auzi, sotul tau e acasa?
- Da!
Tipul închide si suna la alt apartament. Raspunde alta femeie:
- Da? Cine e?
- Auzi, sotul tau e acasa?
- Da!
Închide iar tipul si suna la alt apartament unde îi raspunde tot o femeie:
- Da? Cine e?
- Auzi, sotul tau e acasa?
- Nu!
- Bun! Vino jos atunci sa vezi daca nu cumva sunt eu!
O fi adevarat, doamnelor si domnilor?
bebe:Tu mi-ai papat lapticul?
catel:Nu...Nu eu...Pisica:P Sa te inveti minte si sa nu o mai primesti in casa:P
Vara....cald...arsita...Sa ne racorim putin, zic!